A critical lifeline for millions of American children and families is on the brink of a devastating shortfall. The WIC program, our nation's bulwark against hunger, is facing a catastrophic $1 billion budget gap. WIC has been a bipartisan success story, slashing poverty rates and providing access to nutritious food and invaluable healthcare resources. Yet, at this critical juncture, hesitation from lawmakers threatens to strip this support from approximately 2 million eligible individuals by autumn, low-income families the hardest. As advocates warn, without immediate action, families will be turned away, and children will suffer. This isn't just a matter of dollars and cents; it's about the health and future of our most vulnerable populations. Fully Fund the WIC Program to protect children and families. If the WIC program falters, we fail not only those in immediate need but also the very principles of a society that prides itself on lifting its members to equal footing. Our collective responsibility is to ensure that no child's potential is curbed by hunger, that no mother struggles alone, and that we uphold the values that define us as a nation committed to progress and compassion. Together, we can turn the tide and secure a future where every family has the nourishment and support they need to thrive. Join us in this pivotal moment to defend and fully fund WIC.