Civic Shout

Congratulate States for Raising the Minimum Wage

As of January 1, 10 million workers in 22 states will get raises thanks to states that just  increased their minimum wage. It’s estimated that the raises will deliver almost $7 billion in additional annual wages. 

At a time when workers are struggling with higher costs due to inflation and the federal minimum wage still sitting at $7.25, these state increases are vital for workers all across the country. 

Sign the petition today to congratulate states for raising the minimum wage. 

“While federal minimum wage falls further and further behind the cost of living at just $7.25 an hour, state increases are vital for workers, business, and communities,” said Holly Sklar, CEO of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. 

Minimum wage workers make up a large portion of American workers, and deserve to be compensated fairly. 

Sign the petition today to congratulate the states who are raising the minimum wage. 
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