Under Pres. Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, Florida residents are eligible to receive up to $350 million in energy efficiency incentives to purchase efficient appliances and retrofit their homes. There's just one problem: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is blocking them from receiving it. With climate change wreaking havoc on Florida and around the globe, making it harder for people to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions is the last thing any elected official should be doing. Denounce DeSantis! Sign the petition urging Gov. DeSantis to stop blocking energy efficiency money. The incentives included in the Inflation Reduction Act serve two purposes. First, they help offset the harm done to consumers by high inflation by making it easier for them to make upgrades to their homes that will save them money in the future. Second, they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating an incentive for people to purchase and install energy efficient appliances. “It’s unfortunate that some officials are putting politics ahead of delivering meaningful progress for hard working Americans,” said White House spokesman Michael Kikukawa. We agree. Add your name to the petition denouncing Florida governor Ron DeSantis for blocking his constituents from receiving energy efficiency money.