One of the strictest abortion bans in the country is on the ballot this November in Florida. And until then, a ban on six-week abortions will be in effect. Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, states have been pushing for limitations and total bans on abortion and abortion medication. If the ballot measure in Florida is successful, it could have massive implications for healthcare and reproductive rights in southern states, many of which have already forced abortion clinics to close. We need to fight back – and it’s going to take all of us. Sign the pledge to fight abortion bans. “There are 4.6 million women of reproductive age in Florida, along with trans and nonbinary people who may need an abortion,” said Kelly Baden, vice president of public policy at the Guttmacher Institute. “With the regional clustering of bans in neighboring and nearby states, Floridians [and many others] will have to travel across at least two state lines to get care after six weeks.” Access to reproductive healthcare is essential to the wellbeing of women and pregnant people across the country. Bans are both dangerous and disturbing. Sign the pledge to help fight abortion bans.