The gaps between the haves and the have-nots are widening, and at the heart of this divide is a system that too often allows the wealthy to skirt by without paying their due share. Recent reports reveal the IRS is poised to recover an extra $561 billion in unpaid taxes, thanks to the enforcement measures of the Inflation Reduction Act. This is a game-changer in our fight for economic justice. However, this beacon of progress is under siege. House Republicans have launched an assault on the IRS budget, a move that could dismantle our chance to close the tax gap and fund the social programs that are lifelines for millions. We cannot let this stand. It's time to wield our collective power and reject any cuts to the IRS that would derail our pursuit of a fair and equitable society. The recovered funds could be the key to bridging economic disparities, bolstering community support systems, and fortifying the pillars of democracy that are in jeopardy. By fully funding the IRS, we take a decisive step toward ensuring that everyone, including those at the top, contributes their fair share. This is our moment to demand that the wealthy and big corporations are held accountable, and that the resources needed to mend our social fabric are secured. Sign the petition now: Reject Republican Cuts and Fully Fund the IRS.